Caloosha iyo Xubnaha Jidhka

Filed under: Important News,Sheekooyinka,Wararka |

The Belly & the Members

Caloosha iyo Xubnaha Jidhka

Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah ayaa Xubnaha kale ee Jidhka iska dhaadhiciyeen in dhammaan wixii hawl ah iyagu keligood qabtaan, Calooshuna cuntada wada qaadato. Shir Caloosha ka dhan ah ayay kolkaas qabsadeen. Waxay dood dheer kaddib go’aansadeen in ay shaqajoojin sameeyaan teer iyo inta Calooshu ka oggolaanayso in shaqawadaagga ay door wanaagsan ka qaadanayso.

Maalin iyo laba ayaa ka soo wareegatay teer iyo goortii ay Gacmuhu diideen in cuntada ay qaadaan, Afkii isna diidyey in uu wax raashin ah yeello, Ilkihiinna waa ka dhaarteen in ay wax hawl ah qabtaan. Hayeeshee, maalin iyo laba gudahood ayaa Xubnihii kale is-ogaadeen in ayan xaalad wanaagsan ku jirinnin: Gacmihii waxaa ku adkaaday in ay dhaqdhaqaaqaan, Afkii jilif baa fuushay oo wuu qallalay, halka Lugihiinna socod haleeli waayeen. Inkastoo xaalku sidaas yahay oo Calooshu wax cunto aanay helinnin, misana waxaa la ogaaday in ay wali shaqeeyneyso. Waxaa dabadeed laysku raacay in Calooshu hawl muhim ah Jidhka u hayso. Sidaas darteed, sandulle ayay noqotay in giddi Jidhku uu wada shaqeeyo, haddii kale wuu kala daadan oo isma haysan doono.

Gacalkaaga goortaad cunto garab iyo gaashaan la’aan baa kugu gowriirsanaya

The Belly and the Members

One fine day it occurred to the Members of the Body that they were doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food. So they held a meeting, and after a long discussion, decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.

So for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it, and the Teeth had no work to do. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition: the Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the Legs were unable to support the rest. So thus they found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the Body, and that all must work together or the Body will go to pieces.

When we target and victimize group members we weaken the group and all of its members

As in the body, so in the State, each member must work for the common good