Dr. Dominik Balthasar: Oil in Somalia adding fuel to the Fire (Maqaal:Batroolka Soomaaliya ku jira ooDabkii hore Baasiin ku sii kordhinaya)

Filed under: Wararka |


About the Author
Dr. Dominik Balthasar is a development policy fellow with the Heritage Institute.
He currently holds a position with the Transatlantic Postdoctoral Fellowship for
International Relations and Security, working with Chatham House, the United
States Institute of Peace, and the European Union Institute for Security Studies.
Dominik’s work focuses on issues pertaining to conflict and state fragility, as well
as international efforts towards state reconstruction and development, particularly
in Somalia. Dominik has taught at the London School of Economics and Political
Science and the School of Oriental and African Studies, and has consulted with a
number of international development organizations in Somalia and other g7+
oil in Somalia
“As the latest ‘frontier region’ of hydrocarbon exploration and production in East Africa, Somalia remains not only one of the most promising, but also most challenging potential oil exporting countries. Apart from numerous technical obstacles, including scant infrastructure for transport and processing, Somalia boasts a host of challenges, including political volatility, institutional fragility, physical insecurity, and ambiguous property rights.

In a new report on Somalia’s oil potential, Dr. Dominik Balthasar, a development policy fellow with HIPS, examine the likelihood that the quest for oil will catalyse an already tense political situation and enhance chances for renewed conflict.”

See attached full report.
