Dr. Waleed Hakeem :In Iceland, I’m standing now in front of the door of the house of the current president of Iceland. No police, no army, no wall or gates, and I don’t see any security cameras at all!!

Filed under: Aqoon-kororsi,Dawlad-Wanaagga,Important News,News in English,Wararka |

dr waleed and justuce
In Iceland, I’m standing now in front of the door of the house of the current president of Iceland. No police, no army, no wall or gates, and I don’t see any security cameras at all!! (And look how relatively simple it looks!!), and I remind you, that I’m a bearded Muslim wondering around the house for a good 20 minutes with a backpack! 🙂
When justice is established, there is no need to protect yourself from people. Remember when someone saw Omar ibn Alkhattab raa sleeping under a tree and said “you have ruled, established justice, therefore you felt safe and slept”? That’s how I’m feeling now subhanallah. May Allah guide our rulers to establish justice!

Source: Dr Waleed Facebook

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