Murtida Maanta [Thought of the Day]

Filed under: Aqoon-kororsi,Murtida Maanta,Taqwada,Wararka |

Murtida Maanta [Thought of the Day]

Carabta lamadeggaanka degta waa kuwa ugu daran kolkay gaalnimo iyo labawejiilennimo noqoto. Waxay inta badan ku suganyihiin aqoondarro ka haysata in ay gartaan xuduuddada xeerarka uu Eebbe Rasuulkiisa ku soo dejiyey. Illaahayse waa wax walba Ogaale, waa Garaad Idile.

Qur’aanka Kariimka 9:97 Suuradda al-Atawba


Quraan 9_97

The Arabs of the desert are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and are least inclined to acknowledge the limits that Allah has revealed to his Rasool. Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Wise.


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